Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Chauncey Bailey Trial on Mon. 4/19

OAKLAND- -After a plan to cross examine three suspects at the San Leandro Prison failed, the Oakland police created a plan to “conveniently” have a flat tire on their way back to Alameda Prison. The three men they detained were then placed in a room where they were secretly videotaped discussing their involvement in the Chauncey Bailey murder.

This was the juiciest thing that I got out of the Monday trial. I hate that it started 45minutes late but hey I can't complain, I signed up for this.

Anyways like I said in class I kind of freaked out when Joshua Bey looked at me. I know I shouldn't have been scared but seeing him on the video tape, then in person in his stripped jumpsuit and him looking toward me was weird. I just kept thinking, "I know you're a bad person and you're in jail for kidnapping and torture." SKETCH.

I had fun learning about the case and writing my story. I can't wait to turn it in and see what I got! Fingers crossed I didn't just jinx myself...whoops.

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