Well folks its that time again; time to make those quick runs to Staples to get school supplies and gathering all the necessary supplies one needs to return back to the old grind. School is back in session. Whether its returning back to high school or going to college its all the same. Its time for a new updated version of yourself, maybe its buying new clothes or fashioning a new hairstyle. Whatever it may be its time to flaunt the best you that you can because school session Fall 2010-Spring 2011 is officially in session.
On behalf of myself I have definitely done some upgrading this summer. Not only have I spent countless amount of money on a new wardrobe, which I definitely regret after looking at my Wells Fargo account, but I'm also returning to the city with a new accessory. My lovely baby Jude, she is my amazing purple Honda Civic that will be joining me on my adventures that come with this new year. Although the extra cost of Jude is leaving my with less shopping money, I think I can handle it.
Honestly I am most anxious to leave behind my 12 o'clock curfew and my parents questioning my ever move. Although it was nice not paying for groceries and utilities; I feel like I've overstayed my welcome here in the 408.
Not to mention I'm ready to see my fabulous roommates! Ahh I'm excited for the spastic reunion when we're all reunited. I'm so ready for us to burn little bags of baby popcorn and setting off the fire alarms in out apartment complex. With a few new roommates and a new bed from IKEA for myself, I feel like this year will be one for the books. After all my 19th birthday is right around the corner and although I'm still not 21, being 19 is a baby milestone in my book.
Good luck to all those starting school as well as those returning. Let's make this year one full of adventures and no regrets. Let's spend it with the ones who deserve our time and not the ones who don't make us a priority. Walls will come down and fun will be surrounding our every move. Let's get this year going people!