Its that time again, its the end of the school term and everything's drawing to a close; the uncertanty of what will happen next year or this summer lingers in the air. Summer school, getting another job, and moving back home for the next 3 months sounds a bit intimidating to me. Thinking about that makes me wonder how did I survive this year and where did the 8 months go?
As my first year of college is commensing in a matter of 4 weeks. I look back and wonder was this all worth it? Leaving my semi-tiny hometown, the so-called "Garilc Capital of the World" was a huge transition; as it is for any college student making the necessary steps in recieving a higher education. I left my family, that I honestly needed to get away from, my amazing brother who was too sheltered for his own good, my amazing friends that have helped me through the thick and thin, and the one guy that has completely changed me.
I'm writting this blog entry and tears are lingering in the corners of my eyes. Remembering my senior year at Gilroy High School and graduation; I can't believe how far I've come in only 10 months. I've learned more about the type of person that I am and the one I chose to become. Then again...I wonder if I chose the right path. My life would be totally different if I decided to stay in Gilroy.
I remember the final week (Aug.10-Aug. 17th) I was home; crying every night wondering if going to San Francisco was the right decision. My parents were always advocating going to a junior college and even going to San Jose State to not only save money but to be closer to home. I REJECTED these ideas and everything they stood for. I needed to get away from my parents and be on my own. I have always been independant and my parents knew if they didn't help me with college I would find a way. Headstrong and stubbern I knew that I would embark on a new adventure even if I was scared out of my mind, I needed to. The change to find myself with my parents no where in sight was a must. If that sounds mean I don't intend it to be that way, I just needed to find myself my own way.
Attending San Francisco State University did make me aprehensive but in a good way I think. Its was time to meet new people and have a new scene. Althought the massive mounds of reading and countless paper's I've have written was all worth it. The stress and tears have helped me learn to manage my assignments in a timely order. This has also helped my relationship with my parents, its gotten so much better by learning to appreciate them more and I actually like to spend time with them now. My brother and I are also closer, we talk more about our lives and have secrets between us that if our parents knew would honestly kill us. As far as my friends go, I've found out who the real ones are and the ones that I hold close to my heart. As far as the guy...well lets just say we've never been better. The happy ending to my freshmen year at SFSU Fall 09-10 is concluding way better than I had anticipated and thank goodness for that.